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您当前的位置:首页 > 股票软件 > 金字塔公式
软件名称: 程序化-金字塔策略(vba菲阿里四价)
整理时间: 2015-07-11
界面语言: 简体中文
软件类型: 金字塔公式
运行环境: Win9X/Win2000/WinXP/Win2003/Win7/Win8/Win10
授权方式: 免费版
软件大小: 1.00 KB
软件登陆: admin
作 者 : 58gu.com小编
官方网址: 官方站
程序演示: 演示
dim ss
ss = 1
dim n1
n1 = 10
dim n2
n2 = 10

dim n3
n3 = 4

dim LastHigh
dim LastLow
dim LastClose
dim Icode
dim Imarket
sub application_vbastart()
call MarketData.RegReportNotify("if03","zj")
end subsub MarketData_ReportNotify(ReportData)
set ReportData = MarketData.GetReportData("if03","zj")
NewPrice = ReportData.NewPrice
LastHigh = ReportData.LastHigh
'call application.MsgOut(LastHigh&" "&NewPrice)

dim BuyHoding
dim SellHoding
dim BuyCost
'dim SellHoding
call order.HoldingInfoByCode2("if03","zj", BuyHoding, BuyCost, BuyTodayHoding, SellHoding, SellCost, SellTodayHoding, PNL, UseMargin,Account)
dim MinTick
call order.Contract("if03","zj", Multipliter, MinTick, ShortPercent, LongPercent)
'BuyHoding=0 and SellHolding=0 and
if Hour(Time) >09 and Hour(Time) <14 and NewPrice>LastHigh and BuyHolding = 0 then
call application.MsgOut("多头开!")
end if
'BuyHoding=0 and SellHolding=0 and
if Hour(Time) >09 and Hour(Time) <14 and NewPrice<LastHigh and SellHolding = 0 then
call application.MsgOut("空头开!")
call order.buyshort(1,ss,0,0,"if03","zj","",0)
end if
if BuyHoding>0 and NewPrice<BuyCost-n1*MinTick and Hour(Time) >09 and Hour(Time) <14 then
call application.MsgOut("多头止损!")
call order.Sell(1,BuyHolding,0,0,"if03","zj","",0)
end if
if SellHoding>0 and NewPrice>BuyCost+n2*MinTick and Hour(Time) >09 and Hour(Time) <14 then
call application.MsgOut("空头开!")
call order.SellShort(1,SellHolding,0,0,"if03","zj","",0)
end if
if Hour(Time) >= 14 and Hour(Time) <=15 then
call application.MsgOut("收盘全平!")
call order.Sell(1,BuyHolding,0,0,Icode,Imarket,"",1)
call order.SellShort(1,SellHolding,0,0,"if03","zj","",1)
end if
End SubSub UserForm1_CommandButton1_Click()
call application.MsgOut(LastHigh&" "&NewPrice)
End Sub
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